Creating from the Heart: Full Moon in Leo February 2022
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The full moon in Leo shines a light on heart centred qualities of passion, creativity, courage and strength. It encourages us to explore our passions, to be playful and to tune into our inner children, to create from our heart and soul and then offer our creations in service to the collective, to society at large (Sun in Aquarius).
A quincunx from Pluto intensifies feelings, on a personal level creating heart opening opportunities and vulnerability and collectively gets us to the heart of the matter. With the full moon within 1 degree of the fixed star Regulus, the influence of leadership and kingship is acutely felt by the people. Regulus, known as Cor Leonis the heart of the Lion, is also linked to military leadership and is said to bring downfall to those acting on the less conscious qualities of Leo such as pride and arrogance. Keep an eye on the world stage for military incursions affecting populations; and possibly the downfall of leaders.
The full moon squaring the nodes may highlight our sense of purpose and give us the energy and determination (fixed signs) to pursue our destiny.
The Sun in Aquarius falls exactly on the natal moon of the USA chart of 1776, known as the Sibly chart, highlighting the feelings and mood of the American people. With the USA experiencing the first hit of its Pluto return on 22 February, this indicates an intense and transformative time for the USA and by extension globally.
Tune into this full moon by consciously raising your vibration to the level of love, by radiating love and creating from your heart.