The New Moon in Pisces takes place on 13 March 2021 9.21pm AEDT at 23deg 03’ Pisces. New Moons are a time for letting go, rest, reflection and renewal and this is particularly true under a Pisces New Moon. Pisces is the sign of compassion, introspection and a respite from everyday life. Pisces connects us with other states of being, with creativity through the imagination and with the Divine through prayer and meditation. It is a time of heightened sensitivity and intuitive knowing, of receiving insights through dreams, of healing for the self and others, self care and drawing inward …Continue reading →
The Sun and the Moon are two great archetypes in astrology. The Sun symbolises our urge to shine in the world, to explore and express our unique essence; while the moon has a more instinctive and unconscious quality linked to our emotional and habitual reactions, our intuition and what we need to feel safe and secure. The moon is reflective and regressive and is constantly changing (waxing & waning) like the tides. In astrology a new moon happens each month when the moon and the sun join together in the sky, at which time the moon is invisible to us …Continue reading →
Dark New Moon Meditation Flow with the tide of the moon’s energy by sign of the zodiac each month in a powerful and nurturing group meditation Join me and Parvati Sundari in a group meditation exploring the magic and mystery of the moon. The moon is seen as a female symbol and was worshipped in ancient times as a powerful force, linked to the human unconscious and connected with the basic cyclic rhythms of life. In astrology a new moon happens each month when the moon and the sun join together in the sky, at which time the moon is …Continue reading →